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Saturday, June 20, 2020



Kihon means ‘basics’ or ‘fundamentals’. It is used for practice and repetition of the basic techniques of Karate. Kihon can be thought as alphabet of Karate. By organizing various Kihon techniques into sequences, katas are created. By learning how to apply Kihon techniques to another person, Kumite is born. Kihon is very important for a Karateka for proper development of Karate techniques.

Kihon can be divided into 5 categories :

1.   TACHI / DACHI (Stances)

2.   TSUKI/ ZUKI (Punches)

3.   UCHI (Strikes)

4.   UKE (Blocks)

5.   GERI/ KERI (Kicks)

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