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Friday, June 26, 2020



v Mae Geri (Front Kick)

v Mae Geri Kekomi/Keage (Front Kick Thrust-Snap)

v Mae Tobi Geri (Front Flying Kick)

v Nidan Tobi Geri (Double Jump Front Kick)

v Ushiro Geri Kekomi (Back Thrust Geri)

v Ushiro Geri Keage (Back Snap Kick)

v Ushiro Tobi Geri (Back Snap Flying Kick)

v Yoko Geri Keage  (Side Snap Kick)

v Yoko Geri Kekomi (Side Thrust Kick)

v Yoko Tobi Geri (Jumping Side Kick)

v Sokuto(Yoko Geri Gedan) Geri  (Stomp Kick)

v Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick)

v Ura Mawashi Geri (Hook Kick)

v Ushiro Mawashi Geri (Reverse Roundhouse Kick)

v Ushiro Mawashi Tobi Geri (Jumping Reverse Roundhouse Kick)

v Otoshi Mawashi Geri (Falling Roundhouse Kick)

v Mikazuki Geri (Crescent Kick)

v Ura Mikazuki Geri (Reverse Crescent Kick)

v Hiza Geri (Knee Strike)

v Mae Hiza Geri (Front Knee Strike)

v Mawashi Hiza Geri (Roundhouse Knee Strike)

v Tobi Hiza Geri (Jumping Knee Strike)

v Kin Geri (Kick in the Groin)

v Taore Geri (Falling Kick)

v Mae Taori Geri (Falling Front Kick)

v Yoko Taore Geri (Falling Side Kick)

v Mawashi Taore Geri (Falling Roundhouse Kick)

v Ebi Geri (Shrimp Kick)

v Mawashi Kaiten Do Geri (Rolling Kick)

v Sasori Geri (Scorpion Kick)

v Hasami Geri (Scissor Kick) 

➽ Ashi Barai (Sweep Kick)




Kumite (or simply sparring) in Japanese means “Grappling Hands or meeting of hands”. It is one of the three main sections of Karate training, after Kata and Kihon. Kumite is application of techniques learnt from Kata and Kihon.

Types :

v  Beginner Level  :-

Ø  Kihon-Gohon-Kumite  : “Basic five step sparring” is practiced by beginners. The attacker takes five steps forward of attack in succession where defender take backwards steps blocking each attack. Then defender performs counter attack at the last. This is helpful for beginners to learn application of Kihon.

Ø  Kihon-Sanbon-Kumite : “Basic three step sparring” is very similar to five step sparring but steps are reduced to three. It trains Karateka about proper distance while sparring.

v  Intermediate Level  :-

Ø   Kihon-Ippon-Kumite : “Basic one step sparring” is used to learn to apply Kihon quickly and properly. First attack is performed then defender counter-attacks after defending from attack.

Ø  Jiyu-Ippon-Kumite : “Free-style one step sparring” is very similar to kihon ippon kumite but it is not pre planned. Both opponents get equal freedom to attack. Sparring is over just after performing one attack and counter attacking after defending it.

v  Advanced Level  :-

Ø  Jiyu Kumite : “Free-sparring” is extended version of jiyu ippon kumite where opponents continue to fight using full speed and techniques. It requires high skill to practice and master it. Its also provides an  excellent opportunity to test someone’s skills.

Ø  Shiai Kumite : “Competition Sparring” is the kumite performed at tournaments. It is more like a sport and have strict rules and regulations as constituted by WKF.  It is performed for points. At the end, winner is also declared on the basis of points and penalties given by Refree and Judges.

Ø  Oyo Kumite : “Application Sparring” is also called Bunkai is practiced after performing kata to show application of various techniques used in it. Oyo means ‘to apply’. It is practiced by highly skilled Kartekas.

Shiai Kumite Techniques Easy Tutorial : Watch Video 👇


Beginner and Intermediate level Kumite

v  Kihon Gohon Kumite :

Ø  Gohon 1 :

Ø  Gohon 2:

v  Kihon Sanbon Kumite :

Ø  Sanbon 1:

Ø  Sanbon 2:

v  Kihon Ippon Kumite :

Ø  Jodan 1:

Ø  Jodan 2:

Ø  Jodan 3:

Ø  Jodan 4:

Ø  Jodan 5:

Ø  Chudan 1:

Ø  Chudan 2:

Ø  Chudan 3:

Ø  Chudan 4:

Ø  Mae Geri 1:

Ø  Mae Geri 2:

Ø  Mae Geri 3:

Ø  Mae Geri 4:

Ø  Mawashi Geri 1:

Ø  Mawashi Geri 2:

Ø  Yoko Geri 1:

Ø  Yoko Geri 2:

Ø  Yoko Geri 3: