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Friday, August 7, 2020

Chapter 8 (Karate Titles)


Karate Titles


Dai means “big” and hence title means “big brother of the class” ( given to a 1st kyu brown belt)


 Sempai means “mentor” or “senior” often used for an assistant instructor (usually 1st and 2nd dan)


 Sensei means “one who came before”(given at 1st dan). It is used to indicate a fully capable teacher (after getting 6 months of training for becoming an instructor)



It is a master title for a senior instructor (given at 5th dan or 40 yrs of age)


It is a master title meaning “polished expert” (given at 6th dan & ownwards or 50 yrs of age)


It is a master title meaning “teacher of teachers” (given at 7th dan or ownwards)


It is a master title for the head master of a style. (given at 70 yrs of age)


It is an absolute head of a particular Karate style. (e.g. Hirokazu Kanawaza - Shotakan)


It is used for the founder of a particular Karate style. (e.g. Gichin Funakoshi - Shotakan)

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