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Friday, August 7, 2020




Shitei Katas (Beginner/Intermediate level) :

👉Taikyoku Katas : Developed by Gichin Funakoshi’s son, Gigo, long after formation of Sentei, Heian & Jiyu Katas to simplify the karate katas for the beginners. Taikyoku means“cause” & each kata is named as level. Katas are as follow :

💧Taikyoku Shodan - First Cause [ Watch Video ]  

💧Taikyoku Nidan - Second Cause [ Watch Video

💧Taikyoku Sandan - Third Cause [ Watch Video

💧Taikyoku Yondan  - Fourth Cause [ Watch Video

💧Taikyoku Godan - Fifth Cause [ Watch Video

👉Heian Katas : Developed by Gichin Funakoshi’s teacher, Yasutsune, to facilitate the teaching of karate to beginners and intermediates. Heian means “peaceful mind” to show its stability. Katas are as follows :

💧Heian Shodan - Peaceful Mind First Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Heian Nidan - Peaceful Mind Second Level 

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Heian Sandan- Peaceful Mind Third Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Heian Yondan - Peaceful Mind Fourth Level 

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Heian Godan - Peaceful Mind Fifth Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

Sentei Katas (Selection Katas or Pre-Advanced level) :

 Sentei means “selection” to indicate that their role is used to make karateka qualify for Black belt by performing one of the following katas :

💧Enpi - Flying Swallow  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Jion - Love & Goodness   

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Bassai Dai - Penetrate a Fortress (Big)  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Kanku Dai - View the Sky (Big)  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

Jiyu (Advanced) Katas :

👉Tekki  Katas : Modified by Yasutsune, performed in Kosa dachi, movement in lateral direction only. Tekki means “Iron Horse Riding.” This is the Tekki series :

💧Tekki Shodan - Iron Horse Riding First Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Tekki Nidan - Iron Horse Riding Second Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Tekki Sandan - Iron Horse Riding Third Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

👉Funakoshi Katas : Developed by Gichin Funakoshi require deep breathing and muscle contraction & relaxation.

💧Jitte  - Ten Hands 

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Hangetsu - Half Moon

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Gankaku  - Crane on a Rock

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

👉Nakayama Katas : Nine katas included in Nakayama’s Best Karate Series. Usually tournament favourites. Highly extravagant and require enormous speed and power.

💧Kanku Sho - To View The Sky (Small)

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Bassai Sho - To Penetrate A Fortress (Small)

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Sochin - Strength & Calm

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Chinte - Rare Hand

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Nijushiho - Twenty Four Steps

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Unsu - Cloud Hands

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Meikyo - Bright Mirror

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Gojushiho Dai - Fifty Four Steps (Big)

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Gojushiho Sho - Fifty Four Steps (Small)

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

👉Rare Katas : Two katas left in mystery (as they are not included in Nakayama’s Best Karate Series Book) whether to include them or not with main Jiyu katas.

💧Jiin - Love & Shadow 

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Wankan  - King & Crown

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

NOTE : All Katas listed here are Funakoshi’s modified version of Shotokon Katas…




*To get more info. regarding a particular Kata just CLICK ON IT !


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