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Friday, August 7, 2020





   Katas are being described as pre-defined sets of Karate moves constructed using Kihons. In it, Karateka defends itself against several imaginary opponents. It consists of various stances, kicks, punches, strikes and blocks. Kiai is also used in Katas (generally two times in maximum number of Katas). It is used to channelize all our energy to the applied techniques giving them strength and precision.


Katas also bring new type of kumite “Oyo Kumite” which is useful for a Karateka not only in Shiai Kumite but also in learning application of Karate moves on opponents (bunkai).



Popular Karate styles and Number of Katas :

👉Shotokon Karate –  26 Katas

👉Shorin Ryu Karate – 21 Katas

👉Goju Ryu Karate –  12 Katas

👉Shito Ryu Karate – 94 Katas

👉Wado Ryu Karate – 15 Katas

👉Kyokushin Karate – 23 Katas


⏩The movements of a given kata must always be performed in the correct order.

⏩Also, the kata must always start and finish at the same spot.


*Since Shotokon Katas are accepted worldwide (including WKF) with clear & precise way of doing them in only one common way, further articles shall focus on these only…

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