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Monday, August 10, 2020




All Belt Syllabus [ Click Here to Download OR View PDF ]

White Belt 9th Kyu [ Click Here ]

Yellow Belt 8th Kyu [ Click Here ]

Orange Belt 7th Kyu [ Click Here ]

Green Belt 6th Kyu [ Click Here ]

Blue Belt 5th Kyu [ Click Here ]

Purple Belt 4th Kyu [ Click Here ]

Brown Belt 3rd Kyu [ Click Here ]

Brown Belt 2nd Kyu [ Click Here ]

Brown Belt 1st Kyu [ Click Here ]

Katas According to Belt or Kyu Rank [ Click Here ]

Refree Terminology


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Rules & Regulations


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Karate & Related Apps

Useful Karate & Related Applications for Karateka 

Official WKF Karate Application [ Click Here ]

Offline Karate Videos Free App Click Here ]

Karate Scoreboard  for Kumite App

* Download Both Apk File for Scoreboard to Work

Offline Nunchakus Videos App Click Here ]

Offline Boxing Videos App Click Here ]

Offline Taekwondo Videos App Click Here ]

Friday, August 7, 2020

Chapter 8 (Karate Titles)


Karate Titles


Dai means “big” and hence title means “big brother of the class” ( given to a 1st kyu brown belt)


 Sempai means “mentor” or “senior” often used for an assistant instructor (usually 1st and 2nd dan)


 Sensei means “one who came before”(given at 1st dan). It is used to indicate a fully capable teacher (after getting 6 months of training for becoming an instructor)



It is a master title for a senior instructor (given at 5th dan or 40 yrs of age)


It is a master title meaning “polished expert” (given at 6th dan & ownwards or 50 yrs of age)


It is a master title meaning “teacher of teachers” (given at 7th dan or ownwards)


It is a master title for the head master of a style. (given at 70 yrs of age)


It is an absolute head of a particular Karate style. (e.g. Hirokazu Kanawaza - Shotakan)


It is used for the founder of a particular Karate style. (e.g. Gichin Funakoshi - Shotakan)


 Quick Overview

 ðŸ‘‰ Jiin -35 StepsCount with Kiai at 11th&35th Step

All 26 Shotokon Katas performed by Soke Hirokazu Kanawaza (10th Dan Black Belt Master) 


💧Click Here To watch all 26 Shotokon Katas performed by SenseiSoon Pretorius   





Shitei Katas (Beginner/Intermediate level) :

👉Taikyoku Katas : Developed by Gichin Funakoshi’s son, Gigo, long after formation of Sentei, Heian & Jiyu Katas to simplify the karate katas for the beginners. Taikyoku means“cause” & each kata is named as level. Katas are as follow :

💧Taikyoku Shodan - First Cause [ Watch Video ]  

💧Taikyoku Nidan - Second Cause [ Watch Video

💧Taikyoku Sandan - Third Cause [ Watch Video

💧Taikyoku Yondan  - Fourth Cause [ Watch Video

💧Taikyoku Godan - Fifth Cause [ Watch Video

👉Heian Katas : Developed by Gichin Funakoshi’s teacher, Yasutsune, to facilitate the teaching of karate to beginners and intermediates. Heian means “peaceful mind” to show its stability. Katas are as follows :

💧Heian Shodan - Peaceful Mind First Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Heian Nidan - Peaceful Mind Second Level 

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Heian Sandan- Peaceful Mind Third Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Heian Yondan - Peaceful Mind Fourth Level 

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Heian Godan - Peaceful Mind Fifth Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

Sentei Katas (Selection Katas or Pre-Advanced level) :

 Sentei means “selection” to indicate that their role is used to make karateka qualify for Black belt by performing one of the following katas :

💧Enpi - Flying Swallow  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Jion - Love & Goodness   

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Bassai Dai - Penetrate a Fortress (Big)  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Kanku Dai - View the Sky (Big)  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

Jiyu (Advanced) Katas :

👉Tekki  Katas : Modified by Yasutsune, performed in Kosa dachi, movement in lateral direction only. Tekki means “Iron Horse Riding.” This is the Tekki series :

💧Tekki Shodan - Iron Horse Riding First Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Tekki Nidan - Iron Horse Riding Second Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Tekki Sandan - Iron Horse Riding Third Level  

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

👉Funakoshi Katas : Developed by Gichin Funakoshi require deep breathing and muscle contraction & relaxation.

💧Jitte  - Ten Hands 

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Hangetsu - Half Moon

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Gankaku  - Crane on a Rock

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

👉Nakayama Katas : Nine katas included in Nakayama’s Best Karate Series. Usually tournament favourites. Highly extravagant and require enormous speed and power.

💧Kanku Sho - To View The Sky (Small)

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Bassai Sho - To Penetrate A Fortress (Small)

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Sochin - Strength & Calm

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Chinte - Rare Hand

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Nijushiho - Twenty Four Steps

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Unsu - Cloud Hands

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Meikyo - Bright Mirror

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Gojushiho Dai - Fifty Four Steps (Big)

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Gojushiho Sho - Fifty Four Steps (Small)

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

👉Rare Katas : Two katas left in mystery (as they are not included in Nakayama’s Best Karate Series Book) whether to include them or not with main Jiyu katas.

💧Jiin - Love & Shadow 

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

💧Wankan  - King & Crown

[ Watch Video ]    [ Step-wise Breakdown ]

NOTE : All Katas listed here are Funakoshi’s modified version of Shotokon Katas…




*To get more info. regarding a particular Kata just CLICK ON IT !






   Katas are being described as pre-defined sets of Karate moves constructed using Kihons. In it, Karateka defends itself against several imaginary opponents. It consists of various stances, kicks, punches, strikes and blocks. Kiai is also used in Katas (generally two times in maximum number of Katas). It is used to channelize all our energy to the applied techniques giving them strength and precision.


Katas also bring new type of kumite “Oyo Kumite” which is useful for a Karateka not only in Shiai Kumite but also in learning application of Karate moves on opponents (bunkai).



Popular Karate styles and Number of Katas :

👉Shotokon Karate –  26 Katas

👉Shorin Ryu Karate – 21 Katas

👉Goju Ryu Karate –  12 Katas

👉Shito Ryu Karate – 94 Katas

👉Wado Ryu Karate – 15 Katas

👉Kyokushin Karate – 23 Katas


⏩The movements of a given kata must always be performed in the correct order.

⏩Also, the kata must always start and finish at the same spot.


*Since Shotokon Katas are accepted worldwide (including WKF) with clear & precise way of doing them in only one common way, further articles shall focus on these only…

Friday, June 26, 2020



v Mae Geri (Front Kick)

v Mae Geri Kekomi/Keage (Front Kick Thrust-Snap)

v Mae Tobi Geri (Front Flying Kick)

v Nidan Tobi Geri (Double Jump Front Kick)

v Ushiro Geri Kekomi (Back Thrust Geri)

v Ushiro Geri Keage (Back Snap Kick)

v Ushiro Tobi Geri (Back Snap Flying Kick)

v Yoko Geri Keage  (Side Snap Kick)

v Yoko Geri Kekomi (Side Thrust Kick)

v Yoko Tobi Geri (Jumping Side Kick)

v Sokuto(Yoko Geri Gedan) Geri  (Stomp Kick)

v Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse Kick)

v Ura Mawashi Geri (Hook Kick)

v Ushiro Mawashi Geri (Reverse Roundhouse Kick)

v Ushiro Mawashi Tobi Geri (Jumping Reverse Roundhouse Kick)

v Otoshi Mawashi Geri (Falling Roundhouse Kick)

v Mikazuki Geri (Crescent Kick)

v Ura Mikazuki Geri (Reverse Crescent Kick)

v Hiza Geri (Knee Strike)

v Mae Hiza Geri (Front Knee Strike)

v Mawashi Hiza Geri (Roundhouse Knee Strike)

v Tobi Hiza Geri (Jumping Knee Strike)

v Kin Geri (Kick in the Groin)

v Taore Geri (Falling Kick)

v Mae Taori Geri (Falling Front Kick)

v Yoko Taore Geri (Falling Side Kick)

v Mawashi Taore Geri (Falling Roundhouse Kick)

v Ebi Geri (Shrimp Kick)

v Mawashi Kaiten Do Geri (Rolling Kick)

v Sasori Geri (Scorpion Kick)

v Hasami Geri (Scissor Kick) 

➽ Ashi Barai (Sweep Kick)