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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Chapter 3 (Karate DOJO)

Jutsu vs Do 

Two common terms in Japanese martial arts like Karate are" Jutsu" and "Do". 

Jutsu means "art" or "technique".  It is a system that focus on attacking techniques and self defence. While Do means "way". It refers to schools that teach these Japanese martial arts, along with way to lead a life with it as a culture.

In other words, Jutsu arts teach a way of fighting and Do arts teach a way of life. Many jutsu schools exist still today, where arts like jujutsu, aiki-jutsu, karate-jutsu, and even ninjutsu are taught. Jutsu acts like traditional schools in today's date.

However, Do schools seem to be more popular. They offer arts such as judo, aikido, and karate-do. For students who practice a "way," they train in a dojo, or "way place." It is a place where you go to practice the way of perfecting yourself. 

          (Dojo-Kun) Rules and Regulations

1.  One should obey all the dojo rules. 
2.  One should be punctual to their training timings. One should be armed up and ready to start.
3.  Wear karate gi properly, it should always be neat and clean. NEVER wash your belt.
4.  Toenails and fingernails should never be too big.
5.  Do not wear jewellery of any kind.
6.  Do not  have food while on the dojo floor.
7.  Bowing is to be done upon entering and leaving the dojo . It should be done at the beginning and end of class to the sensei.
8.  Kyu ranks will form one line on the left of dojo with senior kyu on the right. Black belts will always have a line of their own as well as Sadan and every rank above.
9.  Always refer to senior ranks by their title: Sensei, etc.
10. Always take traditional kneeling position (Zarei) while sitting.
11. Always be honest and serious, especially in kumite (sparring). Follow the spirit of fair play.
12. Try to keep the Do jo clean.

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