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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Chapter 6 (Rei)

Bowing (Rei)

     OSS! ?

While bowing we should say “OSS!” , as a code of respect to Sensei and our seniors. But vice versa may not be true, i.e. this may not be required by us for our juniors.

OSS! can also be used as a slang or substitute for "Understood " or  "Yes" .

Types of Rei :

·      Ritsurei – performed in standing position (Musubi dachi).

1.     Bring the right foot inwards.

2.     Make Musubi dachi.

3.     Bow by bending from the hips with the upper body straight. Eyes sight should go down to the floor in front of you.  (Bend down about 45 degrees for Sensei and seniors and about 30 degree for juniors.)

4.     After returning to the erect position bring the right foot outward to make parallel stance (Heiko Dachi), at the same time cross your arms in front of you with the hands now closed.

5.     Bring the fists in front with a shoulder width apart as you assume parallel stance (Heiko Dachi).

·      Zarei – performed in kneeling sitting position(Seiza)

1.     Start from Musubi Dachi.

2.     Sit down slowly and bring your left knee down.

3.     Place your right foot and bring down your right knee (Keep your hands at side during the process).

4.     Extend your feet and cross slightly before sitting in seiza position.

5.     Place left hand in front of left knee, then place your right hand in front the right knee.

6.     Place your both hands on the floor and incline your upper body in front.

7.     Bow by bending 45 to 60 degree keeping back straight.

8.     After 1 to 3 seconds of bowing retrieve your right hand back first then follow with your left hand and return to seiza position with your back erect and eye sight straight forward.

9.     Bring the toes up and stand up assuming Musubi or Heiko Dachi (Hands forward).

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