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Thursday, April 23, 2020



Originating in Okinawa, the tonfa are a one pair of similar thick long wooden sticks with a grip about two-thirds of the way on one side. They are used for striking, blocking attacks, hitting, and for frightening an enemy without lethal force.

The Tonfa is believed to be originated either in China or Southeast Asia where it is used in the respective fighting styles. The Tonfa, pronounced as tong fa, is a melee weapon (use for confused fight). It is best known for its role in the armed component of Okinawan Martial Arts.It consists of a stick with a perpendicular handle attached a third of the way down the length of the stick. It was traditionally made from red or white oak and then wielded in pairs.

Learn Tonfa at HOME 👇


 Video 1 : 



 Video 2  : 


 Video 3  : 




The nunchaku (often "nunchuks" or "karate sticks" in English) is a traditional Okinawan martial arts weapon consisting of two sticks connected at one end by a short chain or rope. The two pieces of the weapon are usually made out of wood, while the connector is a cord or a metal chain. The nunchaku is most widely used in martial arts such as Karate, and is used as a training weapon, since it allows the development of quicker hand movements and improves posture. Modern-day nunchaku are made from metal, wood, plastic or fibreglass. Possession of this weapon is illegal in some countries, except for use in professional martial art schools.


  • Ana: the hole on the kontoh of each handle for the himo to pass through only nunchaku that are connected by himo have an ana.
  • Himo: the rope which connects the two handles of some nunchaku.
  • Kusari: the chain which connects the two handles of some nunchaku.
  • Kontoh: the top of each handle.
  • Jukon-bu: the upper area of the handle.
  • Chukon-bu: the center part of the handle.
  • Kikon-bu: the lower part of the handle.
  • Kontei: the bottom of the handle.

Offline Nunchakus Videos App Click Here ]

Body Parts

Body Parts

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Karate Terms (Japanese to English)

Numbers :

rei :  zero
ichi :  one
ni :  two
san :  three
shi (yon) :  four
go :  five
roku :  six
shichi (nana) :  seven
hachi :  eight
ku :  nine
ju :  ten
ju ichi :  eleven
ju ni :  twelve
ju ku :  nineteen
ni ju :  twenty
ni ju ichi :  twenty one
san ju :  thirty

age: rising, upward
ago: chin
⏩ai: union, meeting; harmony
aiki: harmony, union of energies
aikido: way of harmony; Japanese martial art of joint locking and throwing
aiuchi: simultaneously striking (each other); clash
⏩aka: red
ashi: leg, foot
ashi-barai: foot sweep
atama: head
ate: hit, strike, smash
atemi: hit to body
⏩awase: combined, joined together
⏩ayumi: walking, stepping

barai (harai): sweep
basami (hasami): scissors
⏩bo: staff, long stick used as weapon
bokken: wooden sword (katana) usually used for practice
⏩bu: martial; war, stick 
budo: martial way; way of war
⏩bunkai: analysis; study of kata applications
⏩buse (fuse): lay down
bushi: warrior
bushido: way of the warrior; warrior code

chakugan: focus attention; viewpoint; looking at your opponent
chi gung (qigong): (Chinese) breath skill, breathing exercises to promote internal energy development
chika-ma: short distance
choku: direct, straight
chuan fa: (Chinese) fist way; Chinese martial art of striking and kicking, also known as kung fu or wushu
chudan: middle level
chui:  warning; usually the second warning in a competition match

dachi (tachi): stance; standing
dai (tai): big; great; body
dan: level
daoshi (taoshi): topple, make fall
deshi: student
⏩do: path, way; torso
dogi (gi): training uniform
dojo: place for studying the way; the room in which one practices budo
domo arigato: thank you
dori (tori): hold, grab; attacker, the one applying the technique to the uke
dosoku: across torso
dozo: please

embusen: line on floor; performance line of a kata, kata floor pattern
empi (hiji): elbow
ensho: heel
eri: collar

fudo: unmoving, rooted
fukushin: corner judge, assistant judge
fumikomi: thrusting step, stomp kick
furi: swinging
⏩fuse (buse): lay down

gaeshi (kaeshi): reversing, returning
gaijin: outsider, foreigner, non-Japanese
gaiwan: outer forearm 
⏩ganmen : face
garami (karami): entangle, entwine
gari (kari): cut, reap
gassho: joined palm
gasshuku: special training camp
gatame (katame): lock, hold, tighten
gedan: lower level
geiko (keiko): training, practice
geri (keri): kick
⏩gi (dogi): training uniform
go: five; after
go-no-sen: seize the initiative later, usually involving a defense and then a counterattack
goshi (koshi): hip; ball of the foot
guruma (kuruma): wheel
gyaku: reverse, opposite

hachi: eight
hachiji: shape of character for hachi (8)
hadaka: naked
⏩hai: yes
haishu: backhand
haisoku: instep of foot
haito: sword-ridge; ridge-hand
haiwan: back-arm, back of forearm
hajime: begin
hakama: traditional pleated pants worn by budo students
han: half
hangetsu: half-moon
hanmi: half-body, body turning
hansoku: rule violation; disqualification from a competition event
hantai: opposite side; opposition
⏩hantei: decision
hara: stomach, belly
harai (barai): sweep
harakiri: belly cut; form of ritual suicide
hasami (basami): scissors
hashiru : run
hayai: quick, fast; early 
heian: peace and stability; peaceful mind
heiko: parallel
heisoku: closed feet, feet together
henka: change sides; variation of a form or technique
⏩hidari: left
hiji (empi): elbow
hiki: pull; retreat
hikiashi: pulling foot, pulling leg
hikite: pulling hand
hikiwake: tie, equal, draw
hineri: twisting
hiragana: written symbols used as part of the Japanese writing system
hiraken: flat fist, fore-knuckle fist
hiraki: lateral dodging
hitai: forehead
hiza: knee
hodoki: freeing
hokotenkan: changes in direction
honbu: headquarters

iaido: way of harmony in action; Japanese martial art of drawing and cutting with the sword
ibuki: breath; forced abdominal breathing usually accompanied by throat contraction and guttural sound
ichi: one
ikken-hissatsu: one fist certain kill, to kill with one blow
inyo: symbol of the JKA
ippon: one point, one side, one step, etc.
ippon-ken: one-knuckle fist
irimi: body entering

jiku-ashi: pivot leg; supporting leg
jime (shime): strangulation, choking
jinchu: philtrum area just above upper lip, part of the maxilla
jiyu (jyu): freestyle, free
jiyu-ippon-kumite: 1-step free sparring, semi-free sparring
jiyu-kumite: free sparring
jo: short wooden staff
jodan: upper level
jogai: out of bounds
ju: soft, gentle; ten
judo: gentle way; Japanese martial art of wrestling
juji: cross, shape of character for ju (10)
jujutsu: gentle art; Japanese martial art of striking, grappling, and joint manipulation
jun: follow, chase; corresponding to
jutsu: art, technique, skill

kachi: victory, win; value, merit
kaeshi (gaeshi): reversing, returning
kafukubu: abdomen
kagi: hook
kaikomi: lifting the knee high and tucked in close to body (preparing for kick)
kaisho: open hand(s)
kaiten: rotation
kakato: heel
kakiwake: wedge; push aside; separate
kakuto: crane-head; back of wrist
kamae: posture, position, guard
kamaete: go into position
kanji: Chinese script used as part of the Japanese writing system
kansetsu: joint; joint locking
kao: face
kara: empty
karami (garami): entangle, entwine
karate (karate-do): empty hand; Japanese martial art of punching, striking, and kicking
karateka: student of karate
kari (gari): cut, reap
kata: form, shape, pattern; one side; shoulder
katakana: written symbols used as part of the Japanese writing system
katame (gatame): lock, hold, tighten
katana: Japanese single-edged curved sword, preferred weapon of the samurai
keage: snap kick; rising kick
keiko (geiko): training
keikoku: caution; usually the first warning in a competition match
keimochi: Okinawan noble class
keito: chicken head
kekomi: thrust kick
ken: fist; sword
kensei: diversion, feint; sword saint, title given to a warrior of legendary skill in swordsmanship
kendo: way of the sword; Japanese martial art of fencing
kentsui: hammer-fist
keri (geri): kick
ki: internal energy, spirit, breath (pronounced chi in Chinese)
kiai: union of energy; spirit yell
kiba: horse-riding
kihon: basic, fundamental
kihon-gohon-kumite: basic 5-step sparring
kihon-ippon-kumite: basic 1-step sparring
kihon-sanbon-kumite: basic 3-step sparring
kiken: withdraw, retreat; forfeit (a match)
kime: focus; to decide; deciding factor; winning move
kinteki: testicles, groin region
ki-o-tsuke: ready at attention (in musubi-dachi)
kirigaeshi: returning cut
kirikae: switch, change
kirikae-ashi: switch the feet
kiritsu: stand up
kitsutsuki: woodpecker
kizami: jab; to nick, notch, or carve out; cutting; attacking with the lead hand or leg
ko: small
kobudo: ancient martial arts; the study of ancient weaponry
kohai: junior student
koho: rear, behind, back direction
koko: tiger-mouth
kokoro: spirit, heart
kokutsu: back bend
kokyu: breathing
komi: thrust, drive forward
kosa: cross
koshi (goshi): hip; ball of the foot
koshiki: traditional, old style
kote: wrist
kubotan: self defense keychain developed by Takayuki Kubota
kudaki: crush; break into pieces
kumade: bear-hand
kumi: meeting; grip
kumite: sparring; meeting of hands
kung fu (gung fu): (Chinese) great skill; martial art of striking and kicking, also known as chuan fa or wushu
⏩kuro: black
kuruma (guruma): wheel
kutsu (kussu): bend
kuzushi: unbalancing an opponent; demolish, collapse
kyoku: extreme; ultimate
kyu: rank; non-black belt; nine
kyusho: pressure point


ma: distance
maai: proper meeting distance between two partners
mae: front
maki: roll up, wrap
makiwara: rolled straw; striking post
manji: swastika; swirling, vortex
matte: stop, wait
mawashi: rotating, turning; circular
mawate: turn
⏩men: face
mienai: could not see
migi: right
mikazuki: crescent-moon
mizu-nagare: water flowing
mokuso: meditation
morote: both hands, double-hand
moto-no-ichi: back to starting positions
muboubi: defenseless
mudansha: student possessing kyu level, not black belt
mugorei: without count, no count
mukae: meet; go ahead
muki (muke): facing, direction
mune (muna): chest
mushin: no mind, without thought
muso: incomparable
musubi: united

nagashi: flowing
nage: throw, projection
naiwan: inner forearm
nakae: enter the fighting area
nami-gaeshi: returning wave
⏩naname: diagonal
naore: recover
nei chia: (Chinese) internal styles (of martial arts)
nai : no
neji: twisting, spiralling
neko-ashi: cat-leg
ni: two
nigiri: control
nukete-masu: off target attack
nukite: spear-hand

o: big, great
obi: belt
okuri: sliding; sending
omote: front; facing; exterior
⏩osae: pressing; holding, immobilizing
oshi: pushing
osu (oss): word of acknowledgement used in many karate dojo (implies "yes, I understand")
⏩otagai: mutual, each other
⏩otoshi: falling, dropping
oyo: application (of kata)

pankration: (Greek) all powerful;  a "no rules" match of striking and wrestling introduced in the 33rd Olympics

qigong (chi gung): (Chinese) breath skill, breathing exercises to promote internal energy development

randori: taking chaos,grasping freedom; freestyle practice
rei: bow; respect
ren: alternate, consecutive
renoji: L-shape, shape of character for re
roku: six
ryo: both, two
ryoken: both fists
ryosho: both palms
ryosoku: both sides
ryu: school, style
ryuun: current clouds, flowing clouds

sabaki: shifting, dodging, displacing
sagiashi: crane-leg
sakate: throat
saken: left fist
samurai: to serve; ancient Japanese warriors
san: three
sanchin: hour-glass; 3 wars
sankaku: triangle
sasae-ashi: supporting leg
sashi: stealthy
sasho: left palm
seiken: fore-fist
seiritsu: line up
seiryuto: ox-jaw; sabre
seiza: sit correctly; kneel (position before and after budo class)
sempai: senior student
sen: before; advance; reaction; initiative
sen-no-sen: seize the initiative earlier, usually involving a simultaneous counter-attack
sen-sen-no-sen: seize the initiative in anticipation of opponent's attack (before the actual attack)
sensei: born before; teacher
senshu: competitor
sentei: selection, grouping
seppuku: ritual suicide
shi (yon): four
shiai: match, contest
shichi (nana): seven
shihan: teacher; master teacher
shihon: four directions, four points, etc.
shikkaku: disqualification (from entire tournament)
shime (jime): strangulation, choking
shinai: practice sword made out of split bamboo, usually used in kendo
⏩shiro: white
shitei: designation; mandatory
shizen: natural
sho: palm; small
shobu: contest, match
shodan: first level black belt
shomen: front; top of head
shoto: pine waves, whispering pines; Gichin Funakoshi's pen-name
shugo: meeting
shuto: sword-hand, knife-hand
shuwan: anterior forearm
sode: sleeve
soete: added hand
soku: foot
sokumen: side
sokuto: blade of foot
soto: outside, exterior
suihei: horizontal
suigetsu: solar plexus
sukui: scooping; spoon
sun: unit of length, about 3 cm
sun-dome: to stop a technique just before making contact
suri (yori): sliding, gliding
sutemi: abandon body; sacrifice throw
suwari: kneeling

tachi (dachi): stance, standing
tadzuna: bridle, reins
tai (dai): big; great; body
tai chi (tai chi chuan): (Chinese) supreme ultimate (fist); Chinese internal martial art performed very slowly
⏩tadashi : right
tai-sabaki: body shifting, dodging 
tameshiwari: breaking test; breaking bricks, wood, etc.
tanden: center of abdomen, body's center of energy
tanto: short sword, knife, dagger
taoshi (daoshi): topple, make fall
tatami: training mats; straw mats
tate: vertical; stand; build
⏩te: hand
te-hodoki: hand freeing
teinoji: T-shape, shape of character for tei
teisho: palm-heel
tekki: iron horseman
tekubi: wrist
ten: sky, heaven; universe
tenkan: divert, turning, circular movement
tettsui: iron hammer, hammer-fist
tenbin: balance
to-ma: long distance
tobi (tobikomi): leap, jump, fly
tobu: head
tode: Chinese hand; Okinawan martial art preceding karate
tokui: favorite; best, one's specialty
tora: tiger
tori (dori): hold, grab; take; attacker, the one applying the technique to the uke
torimasen: did not take; competitor did not receive a point, no point
tsugi: follow; shuffle (shuffle step)
tsukami (zukami): grasp, grip, grab
tsuru: crane
tsuki (zuki): punch; thrust
tsuzukete: continue, keep going; resume fighting

uchi: inside, interior; strike, hit
uchikomi: driving, pounding in; repeated practice without completion
ude: arm
uke: block; receive; defender, the one receiving the technique from the tori
ukemi: break-falling, body receive
uken: right fist
uke-tsuki (tsuki-uke): block-punch
ukete-masu: blocked attack
unsoku: footwork, movements of feet
ura: inverted, back
uraken: backfist
ushiro: back, behind, rear
usho: right palm

Vrajmushti: (Indian) thunderbolt fist or diamond fist; martial art of India focusing on grappling and striking

wai chia: (Chinese) external styles (of martial arts)
wakizashi: Japanese short sword, smaller version of the katana
wan: arm
washide: eagle-hand
waza: technique, skill
waza-ari: half point; technique occurred
wushu: (Chinese) martial arts; martial art of striking and kicking, also known as kung fu or chuan fa


yakusoku-kumite: announcement sparring
yama: mountain
yame: stop, finish
yasume: relax, rest
yin yang: (Chinese) symbol representing the duality of nature
⏩yoi: ready
yoko: side, sideways, lateral
yori (suri): sliding, gliding
yowai: weak; fragile
yubi: finger
yudansha: student possessing dan level(s), black belt
⏩yumi: bow (i.e. as in bow and arrow)

⏩za: sit
zanshin: remaining mind, relaxed state of readiness
zenkutsu: front bend
zukami (tsukami): grasp, grip, grab
zuki (tsuki): punch; thrust